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2019 Firework Safety
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General, Safety Tips
Every year, about 13,000 people are treated for injuries in hospital emergency departments due to the mishandling of live, misfired and waste consumer fireworks (CPSC Fireworks Information Center). In addition, fires resulting from fireworks cause over $20 million in direct property damage (NFPA).
The fire service must take a proactive stand to educate the public about the safe transportation, storage, use and proper disposal of these explosive devices.
“Consumer fireworks are defined as any small firework device designed to produce visible effects by combustion and which must comply with the construction, chemical composition, and labeling regulations of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
16 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Ch. II (1–1–02 Edition): PART 1507—FIREWORKS DEVICES

Protecting Your Health After A House Fire
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General
Protecting Your Health After A House Fire
Written by Jennifer Amstell, a local contributor to NMVFC
A house fire is clearly an extremely hazardous situation, but there are long lasting effects that may not be as obvious. In the short-term, the hard work of the community and firefighters often makes injury unlikely, as last year’s Warpas Road blaze showed. However, smoke inhalation can lead to respiratory ailments and in the long-term will increase the risk of heart disease and COPD, according to UW Medicine. Furthermore, mold, smoke particulates and structural damage can also set in to fire damaged homes, leading to damaged health. Smart fire prevention is the first step to maintaining your safety, but in the worst case situation, there are further steps to take.
Fire damage and mold
Mold can be one of the most harmful issues in any home, let alone a smoke affected one. Mold can create and exacerbate allergies, making it advantageous to have a house as free from spores as possible. Fire damage creates the perfect conditions in which mold can flourish. For example, one notable public building fire in OR resulted in rapid onset of mold in building cavities. This creates costly and complicated cleanup costs, but most importantly, poses a risk to your family’s health. Ensure you proof your home from mold in the case of house fire and make use of professionals – Madison tech gurus CL&P are one example of companies focusing in on the effects of accidental damage.
Residual smoke particles
Many houses work with sophisticated HVAC and airflow systems that, by design, ensure pollutants in the home leave and don’t linger in rooms. To enhance this, many families now deploy air filters to improve quality further. A house fire can put paid to all of this. Extensive cleanup needs to be taken, either professionally or between the community. In the event it does not, there are risks; smoke particles will stay in the atmosphere for a long term, and as the EPA notes, this will lead to lung damage if unfiltered.
Tackling structural damage
House fires will have many obvious impacts with clean-up tackling the symptoms. However, what is less obvious is structural damage. After a house fire many home owners will ensure a full survey is carried out, and this will often be necessary in order to obtain new insurance after a payout has been completed. Despite this, problems can arise further down the line. Take a vigilant eye so you don’t lose your family home, and make sure you actively maintain your property against any potential future problems.
A house fire is a devastating incident for any family, but with the help of the fire service and community, many will move back and enjoy their home once more. As a result, it’s incredibly important to be vigilant of the potential long-term problems a post-fire home will present. Do this, and you can safeguard your happiness and your family’s health.

Winners: 2019 Madison Souper Bowl
by DC Gabe Balsamo in Company Events, General
On Saturday, January 26th North Madison Fire took center stage, winning first place in the Madison Chamber of Commerce 4th Annual Souper Bowl Competition!!!
Chili Category…
3rd Place: St. Margaret’s Knights
2nd Place: Madison Hose Company No. 1
1st Place: North Madison Vol Fire Co
3rd Place: Cafe Allegre
2nd Place: Madison Beach Hotel
1st Place: Donahues Madison Beach Grill
Congratulations to all participants and to the chamber for putting on another successful event, We are looking forward to next year!
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How to Safely React to Vehicle Fires
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General
How to Safely React to Vehicle Fires
Written by Jennifer Amstell, a local contributor to NMVFC
You might think that vehicle fires only occur in action movies, but the truth is 33 car fires are reported every hour in the United States. November of last year saw exposed power lines fallen in Madison, illustrating that you never know when or how a fire may start. Luckily, this incident did not result in any roadside or vehicle fires, thanks to community respondents. Still, for the sake of personal safety, it’s best to be prepared by knowing what to do when faced with a vehicle fire.
Good news; many vehicle fires can be prevented by properly maintaining the vehicle you’re driving. Most in-car fires are caused by fuel leaks or split fuel lines. Take your ride in for a tune-up once every year to make sure it’s in good working order. If your car begins to blow fuses frequently or you smell burning, get professional help asap. If you smell burning while driving and/or see smoke, pull over immediately, shut off the engine, and exit the vehicle. It’s also a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher in your vehicle. You never know when you might need one.
Car fires can happen in different areas of the vehicle; they’re not limited to under the hood. Be alert for signs of fire near areas like near the wheels/brakes, on the dash, and beneath the vehicle. If a fire does erupt but is contained, get everyone out and attempt to use a fire extinguisher if it’s easily accessible. If the fire is large, beneath the hood, or quickly spreading, don’t try to put it out yourself at this point. Get at least 200 feet away, and call for emergency assistance. If you don’t have your phone on you, do not go back in to get it. Instead, flag someone down (safely), or go to a public nearby place to ask for help.
Once everything is said and done, you may eventually wonder if your car is covered by your insurance in the case of fire. Contact your insurance company, take photos of the damage if possible, and get contact information for any witnesses that can testify to your claim. Before attempting to obtain any person items left in the vehicle, get a firefighter’s approval first so you know it’s safe. If the vehicle was towed before you returned to it, ask the authorities where it was taken. Finally, have the vehicle taken to a mechanic in order to determine whether or not it can be repaired to a drivable state. If it can’t, be sure to indicate this to your insurance company.
Fires are intimidating and dangerous beasts, but with fast and appropriate reactions, you can quickly tame it. Knowing what to do in an emergency and staying calm through the process can save lives.
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Santa Fundraiser 2018
by DC Gabe Balsamo in Company Events, General
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Have your presents delivered by Santa this year.

2018 Salute to Connecticut’s Bravest Firefighter of the Year: LT Gabe Balsamo
by DC Gabe Balsamo in Company Events, General
LT Gabe Balsamo
Fire Fighter of the Year
One of the recipients of the 2018 Connecticut District Exchange Club’s Salute
to Connecticut’s Bravest Award at the October 18th ceremony
Gabe Balsamo joined NMVFC as a junior firefighter in 2006. His initial responses were on his bicycle from his residence on Summer Hill. Over the years, the bicycle was replaced with a Jeep, and he now has a home of his own on Dorset Lane, where he lives with his wife, Kelsey. Rumor has it that his response time is still the same! For the past 6 years, Gabe has served NMVFC as a Lieutenant and has been a major contributor to the department.
After graduating from Hand in 2009, Gabe went on to attend the University of New Haven. He expanded his education in the fire service by studying Fire Science and Arson Investigation along with a minor in Criminal Justice. Gabe has continued to further his education by taking fire service courses and is currently certified at the Fire Service Instructor 1 level.
In addition to being an active Line Officer, Gabe oversees the company’s fire gear and personal protective equipment, always making sure every firefighter has the proper PPE needed for the job. He also manages the pager program and social media for the department. Gabe brings energy and enthusiasm to everything he does. You know that Gabe is around by his loud voice and laughter that can be heard from any part of the firehouse.
Gabe is an outstanding leader and has a strong passion for the fire service. It shows both on and off the fire grounds. He has taken new firefighters under his wing by showing them the ropes and is always available to answer a question no matter what time, day or night. He is regarded by the junior firefighters as a mentor in fire department related activities and has provided guidance in preparing them for college and life in general. Gabe defines the word dedicated.
This past year, Gabe has responded to over 50% total calls for service that included manning the fire station during the March Nor’easters! For his outstanding dedication and service to NMVFC and the North Madison community, we name Gabe Balsamo as our Spirit of the Company recipient and Firefighter of the year recognized at the 2018 Connecticut District Exchange Club’s Salute to Connecticut’s Bravest

North Madison Fire Open House 2018
by DC Gabe Balsamo in Company Events
Look, Listen, Learn and Be Aware! Fire Can Happen Anywhere!!
North Madison Volunteer Fire Company invites you to join us for our annual “Open House” scheduled for Sunday, October 7, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Last year NOMAD responded to nearly 400 calls for assistance, many of them involving a fire related incident. Education is the strongest tool we have to reduce and prevent fires. Even with the best efforts, incidents still occur. This year at our “Open House” we will provide training on the proper use of fire extinguishers, tours of the fire station and apparatus to include our new fire engine edition. Children will have the opportunity to put on real firefighter gear and respond to the midnight alarm. There will be a live fire extinguishing demonstration, rides on our antique fire truck, and refreshments. We appreciate the ongoing support of the community and look forward to seeing you on October 7.
Paul Harris
Company President
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2018 Dream Ride and Chili Cook Off
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General
On August 4th, 2018 The North Madison Fire Company Chili team traveled to the Farmington Polo Grounds for the Annual Dream Ride experience weekend festivities. Our team competed against 23 other fire departments from Connecticut and New York including our hometown rivals, Madison Hose Company #1 in the 3rd Annual Firemen’s chili cook-off. North Madison’s chili took home 2nd place falling just short to FDNY Engine 262 from 21st street in the city. We like to congratulate all the other winners and also extend a huge thank you to Madison Hose for their great sportsmanship! The best part of the day was getting to work side by side with our brothers from the south. In addition Engine 10-55 took home a second place trophy for best appearing! Thousands of motorcyclists and hundreds of engine enthusiasts venture to Farmington, Connecticut, each year all with the same goal of supporting the Special Olympics and The Hometown Foundation. Participants have journeyed from across the United States and internationally to be a part of the dream. Special Olympics athletes worldwide are given the opportunity to attend The Dream Ride Experience and treasure this lifelong memory. Over the course of this weekend, $2,000,000.00 was raised! We look forward to supporting this great event next year!
For more info visit
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The North Madison Volunteer Fire Company Remembers Crew Kirst
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General
Crew Kirst, in green, recently lost his life in a motor vehicle accident
The North Madison Volunteer Fire Company Remembers Crew Kirst
With sorrow and heavy hearts, the North Madison Volunteer Fire Company has hung purple
bunting in honor of one of its youngest department members, Crew Kirst, who lost his life in a
recent motor vehicle accident.
Crew joined the company, known as the “Nomads,” out of desire to give back to the community
and neighbors he loved. A welcomed addition to the Nomad family, Crew brought a relaxed
approach, genuineness, and positive attitude. He was light-hearted and quick on his feet with
comebacks and jokes. His ever-present sense of humor often kept his colleagues laughing,
whether when kicking back after a drill in the firehouse watch room or on dark, rainy nights
during long hours responding to burning transformers, downed wires and fallen trees.
No matter how big or small the job, Crew embraced the work and often stayed until the last
firefighter went home. He responded to structure fires and numerous other North Madison
emergencies on the worst winter days. Members recall him hooking up large diameter hose,
stretching it down the street to hook up to supply trucks, and carrying ladders and equipment
through deep snow at one February structure fire where water froze the driveway and road to ice.
At yet another recent fire, when most of the town still lacked electricity, Crew provided valuable
fire-ground manpower. Always committed to the end, he was one of the last members rolling
and packing heavy hose lines in tough snow and ice conditions, then staying on afterward at the
firehouse to powerwash, re-roll and repack the hose.
Crew’s energy, spirit, and dedication to the company and his teammates inspired everyone
around him. He sought out opportunities to learn from senior members, who in turn relied on
Crew’s knowledge of each fire apparatus and cargo–notably small gas-powered
equipment—which Crew knew well not only from his years as a junior member, but also through
his passion for motocross. In turn, he mentored younger members, who saw him as a role model
for his ability, his sense of fun, his good-natured “busting” on them, for making them feel they
belonged, and especially for his small but meaningful acts of kindness: One night after a drill
during exam week, for example, Crew drove a junior’s forgotten backpack all the way downtown
to school. Last October, another member recalls, he “saved the day” with a last-minute repair to
the burn box during the company’s open house: “His contributions were clutch!” As a former
junior describes Crew, “He was a great soul.”
Crew clearly loved his experience with the Nomads, and envisioned becoming a career
firefighter. He took his training seriously, earning the respect of fellow Nomads who found him
very knowledgeable, dependable and committed to the department and the greater community.
Crew’s unforgettable smile and many contributions to the company will remain forever in his
colleagues’ hearts. His spirit, selflessness, and joy in serving others will continue to inspire all
those who knew him.

2018 Spirit of the Company: LT. Gabe Balsamo
by DC Gabe Balsamo in General
Gabe Balsamo joined NMVFC as a junior firefighter in 2006. His initial responses were on his bicycle from his residence on Summer Hill. Over the years, the bicycle was replaced with a Jeep, and he now has a home of his own on Dorset Lane, where he lives with his fiancée, Kelsey. Rumor has it that his response time is still the same! For the past 6 years, Gabe has served NMVFC as a Lieutenant and has been a major contributor to the department.
After graduating from Hand in 2009, Gabe went on to attend the University of New Haven. He expanded his education in the fire service by studying Fire Science and Arson Investigation along with a minor in Criminal Justice. Gabe has continued to further his education by taking fire service courses and is currently certified at the Fire Service Instructor 1 level.
In addition to being an active Line Officer, Gabe oversees the company’s fire gear and personal protective equipment, always making sure every firefighter has the proper PPE needed for the job. He also manages the pager program and social media for the department. Gabe brings energy and enthusiasm to everything he does. You know that Gabe is around by his loud voice and laughter that can be heard from any part of the firehouse.
Gabe is an outstanding leader and has a strong passion for the fire service. It shows both on and off the fire grounds. He has taken new firefighters under his wing by showing them the ropes and is always available to answer a question no matter what time, day or night. He is regarded by the junior firefighters as a mentor in fire department related activities and has provided guidance in preparing them for college and life in general. Gabe defines the word dedicated.
This past year, Gabe has responded to over 50% total calls for service that included manning the fire station during the March Nor’easters! For his outstanding dedication and service to NMVFC and the North Madison community, we name Gabe Balsamo as our Spirit of the Company recipient.
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